Soon After Shah Rukh Khan recorded a staggering 53,000 followers within just a week of his joining Twitter, none other than Hrithik Roshan is set to join the league of superstars on the social networking site. According to the latest news, Hrithik has decided to go in for a direct interaction with his admirers by taking on to Tweeting, but he’s apparently going to do it the Shah Rukh way! Hrithik would reportedly join Twitter just before the release of his much-awaited flick ‘Kites’. This is just what SRK seems to have planned for ‘My Name Is Khan’, as there are just a few days left for ‘MNIK’ to hit the screens.
Confirming the same to a news channel, Hrithik said, “When my film is on release, I`ll join!”
While Priyanka Chopra has the highest number of followers (1.2 lakhs) on Twitter, Hrithik is expected to beat that score with utmost ease!
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